On being a writer...

A celebration of the writing process, of being a writer, of all the weird things that pass through a writing brain...

Sunday 29 April 2012

these gifts

I'm going to write some blogs about writer's essentials. 

The first is illustrated by the above - bath flowers.  What a writer needs is a bit of thinking time - preferably, I'd suggest, time that is not ear-marked as such, but which is time apart, when there's no particular requirement to think, or write.  A journey is a good time, so long as the mobile is turned off.  The journey goes on, the mind sinks into a kind of suspended state of being between arrival and departure, and in that place where nobody is making demands, except of the train, the inspiration can come.  Another such place is a bath (hence the illustration) or shower.  Again, suspended time, the body caught up in some other, undemanding activity, the brain freed.

Walking can do the trick too, or being in the theatre.  Or even reading a book.  Or listening to music.    The essential is not to worry, not to force the moment, but to allow a little space for the imagination to have a little play.

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